The first photobook of photographer Mark Borthwick, born in London in 1966 and living in New York. A memorable book released simultaneously all over the world. Hideki Nakajima (1961-2022) is involved in the production, and Masanobu Sugatsuke is involved in the editing. Publishing is from the publisher Synergy, which is failed. 編集人:菅付雅信 装丁:中島英樹 出版社 publisher:シナジー幾何学/Synergy 刊行年 year:1998 First printing ページ数 pages:207 サイズ size:H275×W210mm フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover 言語 language:英文/English 状態 condition:経年による日焼け、スレ、黄ばみがございます。
The first photobook of photographer Mark Borthwick, born in London in 1966 and living in New York. A memorable book released simultaneously all over the world. Hideki Nakajima (1961-2022) is involved in the production, and Masanobu Sugatsuke is involved in the editing. Publishing is from the publisher Synergy, which is failed. 編集人:菅付雅信 装丁:中島英樹 出版社 publisher:シナジー幾何学/Synergy 刊行年 year:1998 First printing ページ数 pages:207 サイズ size:H275×W210mm フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover 言語 language:英文/English 状態 condition:経年による日焼け、スレ、黄ばみがございます。
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