Marketing Channels: A Management View, 8e, a market leader, is known to provide a management focus and managerial framework to the field of marketing channels. Theory, research and practice are covered thoroughly and blended into a discussion that stresses decision making implications. This new edition reflects global, socio-cultural, environmental and technological changes that have taken place within the industry.
Marketing Channels: A Management View, 8e, a market leader, is known to provide a management focus and managerial framework to the field of marketing channels. Theory, research and practice are covered thoroughly and blended into a discussion that stresses decision making implications. This new edition reflects global, socio-cultural, environmental and technological changes that have taken place within the industry.
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パターン認識と機械学習 上下巻セット ベイズ理論による統計的予測
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証券会社がなくなる日 IFAが「株式投資」を変える 講談社現代新書 美品